Friday, June 14, 2013

Kids on the Coastline

I know i know…I have been seriously lacking on the blog updates…it has been a whirlwind past few months. I have been incredibly busy trying to get my work up and running in the paradise community! Since the work front is still slow and there is not much to update, I am putting up tons of pictures with captions – this should sum up my recent time here! ENJOY!

I had my youth group split up into smaller groups and create a campaign for themselves as a good mother. I chose who I wanted to be my mother. 
This group won because they "took a how to be a mother prep course"

Selling themselves as a good mother

Dinamica - see how far up your arm a condom will go before it tears


Lokenja - my neighbor and "roomate" - spends all her days here coloring...has what seems like 20918491 siblings

My house comes full equipped with haitian children...included in the rent

My host sisters drawwing on my wall - this is the creative wall that I have people draw on

Exclusive breast feeding campaign charla papers

my protection

View out of my living room window on a hurricane rainy day - so beautiful

A day at Los Patos

Katie brought Magic Hat #9

My fav muchacho building a puzzle

Laundry day

Muchacho helping with laundry

Chicas Group

Chicas group crossing the canal for activities

My house!

Chicas activities

team building

Remember Zenny?!?!

My living room

my kitchen

Nutrition Charla with my women

Haitian kids at my house

Sorry for the lack of update....hopefully the pictures will hold ya'll over till the next one.
